Sunday 30 November 2008

How to monitor the internet speed ?

If you are on look out for one then online eye an internet speed monitor that is able to measure ,track and analyze the connection.


We could view the following

  • Speed of the data being transferred at the real-time.
  • Shall analyze and view the historical trend data with bar or line graphs
  • To monitor your internet LAN connections.


  • Track your internet upload and download over a period of time .Helps us to analyze the usage over a period of time.
  • You would precisely able to find the number of MB the data transferred and should check within the limit if your broad band connection charges for any additional upload or download.


  • You could also set an alert or caution to your limits.
  • Today the cost of broad band connection is cheap and people who have taken unlimited download connection need not think of having this feature.

Otherwise it is a could tool to consider.


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